A free trip to Aidalon.

Explore the newest expandable card game from Earthborne Games with a set of two demo decks for Hubworld: Aidalon—you pay shipping, we'll handle the rest.

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Hubworld: Aidalon Preview Deck Set

A set of two identical preview decks that, when played against each other, introduce the basic mechanics and gameplay of Hubworld: Aidalon. Choose from four different Seekers to try different strategies with the same cards.

Only cost is shipping. Limit 1 deck set per person.

1 deck set


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  • Competitive gameplay for 2-4 players.
  • Non-collectible, fixed distribution of cards (like the LCGs).
  • Consistent expansions with new deckbuilding options.
  • Sustainably produced, the Earthborne way.

If you've been missing the competitive LCGs of old, this one is a no brainer.

It's not a surprise that former head of Fantasy Flight Games (and massive Netrunner fan), Andrew Navaro, replete with a supremely talented Earthborne Games team that made massive contributions to the early LCG boom, would look to innovate on the competitive, non-collectible card game model—especially with TCGs having flooded the market in the last few years.

When it first hits the table, Hubworld: Aidalon appears to be a non-asymmetrical Netrunner (you only have one deck) that maintains the base concept of "scoring" cards from your opponent's deck by running (delving). From there, however, the play patterns and tactical considerations diverge significantly and Hubworld transcends the comparison. A Netrunner clone this is not.

The world-building and art direction are as fantastic as you'd expect if you've seen or played Earthborne Rangers, with a faux-watercolor style that works with your imagination to bring the scenes of Aidalon to life. You can almost hear the footsteps in the alleyways, smell the soups and teas of the market, and feel that layer of grime sitting atop machines that haven't been booted up since the golden days.

The multiplayer format is also worth mentioning, since it has a proper mechanic that drives interaction between the players and prevents every game from devolving exclusively into table politics. If one other person in your orbit gets a set of decks, you can have four decks for a proper test run.

As with anything we're supporting, we think it's worth your time.

You can find the Gamefound preview here ->

You can find the live Q&A from Earthborne Games here ->

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