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Online data collection is making our lives worse.

We're being tracked across websites and apps, on all of our devices, so that our customer profiles can be built and sold to advertisers all over the world. That's why modern marketing is so derivative, soulless, and annoying, and why we're opting out.

No tracking.

We do not utilize any session tracking that allows us to know who you are or what you're doing on our website. All IP addresses are converted to random, anonymized hashes with no identifying characteristics.

No pixels.

We do not install "pixels" or similar code snippets that allow entities like Facebook and Google to monitor what you do on our website. You won't suddenly get blasted by TCG ads just for browsing our site.

No ads.

We don't run ads on our videos or podcasts, or sell ad space on our website. We don't use pop-ups asking if you want to sign up for exclusive deals. Ads are beyond annoying - find a better model.

Data and privacy issues continue to impact customers and businesses, especially as Facebook and Google receive greater scrutiny. But do you really need to collect all of this data to succeed as a business? And do you actually make better decisions when you throw it all away?

Data collection can be helpful and respectful.

We utilize Vercel Insights to collect the basic, anonymous metrics that have improved web design for decades.

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